Ger to Know VVDI2 User ManualSep 11th, 2018 [viewed 84 times]
VVDI2 Simos User Manual for newbies:
VVDI2 support some special functions for Simos ECU from VW Engine Control Unit OBD operation: read PIN, CS, MAC, change KM, switch OFF/ON immo, read flash, auto detect....Supports Simos!
Adapt Unit This can adapt 2nd unit to new car, synchronization ECU with immobilizer....Supports Simos! 1) ECU (EDC16/EDC17/MED9/MED17/Simos) – 4th immobilizer ECU
EEPROM dump tool Support decode ECU EEPROM, Kessy module, J518 module, comfort module, change KM for cluster EEPROM dump ECU EEPROM: decode PIN, CS, MAC, set new PIN, CS, MAC values Immobox EEPROM: Kessy module(93C86), J518 module, comfort module, decode PIN, CS, Immo NO., VIN etc Cluster and immobox EEPROM: decode PIN, KM, and change KM ....Supports Simos!: